[Kde-java] playground/devtools/eclipse/org.kde.qt.designer.ui

Carsten Pfeiffer pfeiffer at kde.org
Tue Mar 14 23:28:53 CET 2006

SVN commit 518702 by pfeiffer:

some eclipse support for Qt/KDE-java
for now:
- launching Designer on .ui files
- auto-building .ui files with juic (work in progress, currently hardcoded /usr/bin/juic)

- UI assistance for creating Qt-Java projects (i.e. adding the QtJavaNature to a project, which
adds the juic-builder and the qtjava and kdejava libs to the classpath)
- ILaunchConfigurationDelegate et al for automatically setting -Djava.library.path
- need to find out how to get better completion hints (real argument names instead of "String arg1" etc.)
- completion for signals and slots

CCMAIL: kde-java at kde.org

 A             .classpath  
 A             .project  
 A             META-INF (directory)  
 A             META-INF/MANIFEST.MF  
 A             build.properties  
 A             icons (directory)  
 AM            icons/designer.png  
 A             plugin.properties  
 A             plugin.xml  
 A             src (directory)  
 A             src/org (directory)  
 A             src/org/kde (directory)  
 A             src/org/kde/qt (directory)  
 A             src/org/kde/qt/designer (directory)  
 A             src/org/kde/qt/designer/ui (directory)  
 A             src/org/kde/qt/designer/ui/DesignerUIPlugin.java  

** trunk/playground/devtools/eclipse/org.kde.qt.designer.ui/icons/designer.png #property svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

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