[Kde-java] QSettings.sync( )

David Goodenough david.goodenough at btconnect.com
Wed Oct 6 13:21:02 CEST 2004

I presume that QSettings.sync is there to make sure that when saving 
settings that the data is actually written out, given that there are no
real reliable destructors in Java.  I presume also that it should be used
in preference to dispose?

Are there other classes like QSettings which normally assume a 
reliable destructor mechanism and for which extra explict actions
on the programmers behalf are required?

I am also confused by the loadsettings( ) routine shown in the Qt
Designer manual.  It runs like this:-

private void loadSettings( ) {
 QSettings settings = new QSettings( );
 int windowWidth = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowWidth", 550);
 int windowHeight = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowHeight", 500);
 int windowX = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowX", 0);
 int windowY = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowY", 0);
 m_clip_as = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "ClipAs", CLIP_AS_HEX);
 m_show_web = settings.readBoolEntry( APP_KEY + "ShowWeb");
 if( !settings.readBoolEntry( "View", true))
   colourWidgetStack.raiseWidget( iconsPage);
   viewIconsAction.setOn( true);

The thing that confused me is that the window* variables are read,
but never used.  Is there something in the C++ environment that
makes this implicit, or is the manual just wrong.  For my Java
version I had to add explicit calls to resize and move for the window
to return to where it was saved.


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