[Kde-java] API Docs (was: Where is QMap)

Maik Schulz list at maikschulz.de
Tue Oct 5 21:16:20 CEST 2004

Hi Olivier,

On Tuesday 05 October 2004 16:16, Olivier Dragon wrote:
> I've looked at the KDE developer's corner but found myself craving for
> more documentation. In particular it would be great to have javadocs for
> all the qt and kde java APIs (I didn't find any). Even just having the
> class and method listed with no explanation would be great and easier
> than trying to browse the objects in Eclipse's explorer window or
> looking at the online QT/KDE docs in C++ and try to guess the
> differences in calling these in Java.

You have to generate the API docs for qtjava and kdejava yourself, take a look 
at the respective readme files:

For the qtjava API docs:

cd qtjava/javalib/api
javadoc -classpath ".." -splitindex -windowtitle  "Qt 3.2.3 Java 
api" ../org/kde/qt/*.java

For the kdejava API docs:

cd kdejava/koala/api
javadoc -classpath "../koala.jar:../../../qtjava/javalib/qtjava.jar" \
  -author -version -splitindex -windowtitle  "Koala KDE 3.2 Java 
api" ../org/kde/koala/*.java -J-Xmx128m


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