[KDE-India] KDE FOSS WorkOuts @ FOSS.IN/2008
Pradeepto Bhattacharya
pradeeptob at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 18:42:03 CEST 2008
Some of us have been discussing what proposal could be submitted
for FOSS Workouts [1] at FOSS.IN/2008. Not many concrete ideas came
forward. Except one from Kushal and some cool ideas from Santhosh. I
will let them elaborate their ideas if they wish to do the same.
Just a few pointers - workouts are supposed to be for 3 hours,
of course can be extended on request but thats for organisers to
decide. Another thing is, afaic tell one has to do enough home work to
participate in the Workout. You have to educate yourself with the code
base depending on the goal set in the proposal and then hack at the
WorkOut to achieve the goal. Finally don't forget, the CfP ends 2
days from now on 16th. So if somebody is interested in submitting a
KDE WorkOut proposal, now is the time.
FOSS WorkOuts
FOSS WorkOuts are developer-led sessions with a focus on tackling real
challenges in a project. Each WorkOut will occur in a single hall for
3 hours, either in the morning session, or post-lunch session. Special
requests may be made for day-long WorkOuts.
WorkOuts are to be proposed via the Speaker/WorkOut registration
system. The proposer is expected to drive the session as the WorkOut
Lead. Accepted WorkOuts will be published as per the schedule below,
following which interested delegates may request to be part of the
WorkOut using the registration system. The WorkOut Lead will then
select the participants based on the problems at hand and the skills
required to solve them. At the end of each day, the WorkOut Lead will
present a summary, and possibly a demo, of the challenges addressed
during FOSS.IN.
A proposal for a WorkOut must contain the following information:
* Purpose of the session — issue(s) being tackled, links to existing work
* Agenda to solve these issues. This includes:
* What needs to be achieved before the event
* What will be done at the event
* Link to a planning page/mail thread
* Pre-requisites for participants, such as:
* Code to be familiar with
* Tools required
* Special Hardware or Software Requirements
Remember that a well-defined agenda with very specific goals is far
more likely to be accepted than a vaguely defined or overly ambitious
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