[Kde-imaging] Getting started with kipiplugins

Kevin Dalley kevin at kelphead.org
Tue Jun 18 22:45:37 UTC 2013

I admit that I'm a bit lost.

I don't see clear instructions and building and testing kipi plugins.

I checked out digikam from git.



copied kxmlkipicmd_defaultui.rc to $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kxmlkipicmd

  ./kxmlkipicmd --selectedimages /home/kevin/tmp/4db62b8ab6cfd.jpg

No kipi plugins were found, my installed version of kipi is newer than 
the source code version.

How can I specify directories for the kipi plugins. I want to use them 
built in place.

I had hoped that various README files would start me out with the 
correct steps.

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