[Kde-imaging] gpssync

Sebastian Hofer - www.gps-kamera.eu - MBK GmbH Abteilung Geoinformation shofer at mbk.de
Mon Feb 9 12:35:59 CET 2009

Dear folks,
Did you hear about Solmeta Geotagger Pro for universal use on hotshoe
cameras? Unlike the known GPS solutions it loggs GPS infos plus viewing
direction (3-axis compass) and tilt.
As I don't know any geotagging sync software for Linux featuring these data
fields I would like to ask you if you are interrested. Solmeta is in contact
with Win/Mac-people and sees Linux as a niche market.
I am personally interessted in having Linux supported because I use Linux at
home since I switched 8 years ago (from SuSe, Mandrake, Debian, to Ubuntu
with selected K as digikam, kontakt and amarok :o)
I can supply you with
- geotagged sample pics with direction allready in EXIF (no tilt)
- the Solmeta NMEA protocoll with direction and tilt included.
Who is the guy to contact? What else would you need?



PS: I have lot of ideas about very interessing new filters regarding spatial
image info (light mood, object viewed, pics showing the same object, time
series, ...)


Freundliche Grüße

Sebastian Hofer


Sebastian Hofer
Diplom Geograf

MBK Sicherheitsdienst Elektronik GmbH
- Geoinformation und GPS-Fotografie -
Hohenstraße 29
78183 Hüfingen

Tel:      +49 (0)771 9214 13
Fax:      +49 (0)771 9214 30
EMail:   SHofer at mbk.de
Web:     <http://www.mbk.de/> www.mbk.de –  <http://www.gps-kamera.eu/>

Handelsregister B Freiburg HRB 611325
Geschäftsführer: Rolf L. Bonnert; Michael Jäckle
USt.- Identnr.: DE 141 910 978

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