[Kde-imaging] (No more) batch plugins in kipi

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 14:42:05 CET 2009


Sorry for my late response, i'm currently writting evening classes
leasons for CNAM studients and it's take a lots of my free time.

Batch Queue Manager is developed in digiKam core for multiple reason:

- we use digiKam core components everywhere, especially DImg image
container to simplify task about loading save image in 16 bits colors
depth + metadata support. With few line of code i load raw and saver
it PNG or TIFF, or JPEG2000 without to lost any informations
- we will register all batch processes to digiKam database to be able
to search images which have been processed usin a specific tool. For
example, i want to find all images converted from RAW to PNG.
- we will use a lots of code from digiKam image editor, especially
advanced tools (as restoration) and registered to database a serie of
action performed by editor to re-play later in batch queue manager to
a set of images.
- plus a lots of stuff as customized widgets, etc...

Trying to do it with kipi is very hard, long and probably impossible,
without to export all digiKam core components.

I'm sure you can do something similar in Gwenview

But for kipi, i have others plan : export widget + background process
code from all defined batch plugis to be able to use it in a dedicated
manager defined in the host and based on a extended api from libkipi.
Typicaly, i will use a part of implementation from current Batch Queue
Manager and put it to likipi. I will patch some plugins as
DngConverter to export settings widget and DNG converter core to be
able to use it in Batch Queue Manager as if it have been implemented
in digiKam core.

Of course, stand alone version of current batch plugins will still
available, nothing change for Gwenview.

For the moment Batch Queue Manager work, but not yet perfect. I will
not touch libkipi for the moment and i will wait to have a more stable



But about kipi

2009/2/17 Aurélien Gâteau <aurelien.gateau at free.fr>:
> Hello,
> I just saw Gilles post about the new Batch Queue Manager in Digikam.
> This looks great, but I am quite sad this was not developed inside KIPI,
> as I thought it would be at some point [1].
> Was there any technical problem preventing the development of this
> feature inside KIPI? I initially wanted to get a simple port of the
> batch plugin done. I did not port it seeing as the Batch Queue Manager
> looked much more useful. I should probably have asked about how things
> were evolving sooner.
> I understand most of the work going into KIPI is done by Digikam devs
> these days, while devs from other applications (counting them... mmm...
> oh, there's only me :/, or am I wrong?) do not spend enough time on it,
> but this is not going to improve as more code is leaving from KIPI to
> Digikam.
> Aurélien
> [1]: http://markmail.org/thread/4gx5o6zyedf2rwfh
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