[Kde-imaging] KDE code sprint (missing data required)

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Mon Sep 22 10:57:12 CEST 2008

* Main aim *
- finish digiKam KDE4 porting
- improve kipi-plugins KDE4 porting
- create a general purpose export plugin that implements picasa, 
  flickr, Gallery, etc.
- improve libkipi
- review/freeze the API of libksane
- improve documentation(?)

* Where and When *
Genoa, Via Giovanni Torti, 35 Italy 
31/10-2/11 2008

* Who * (use fixed font here)
- Angelo  Naselli   Genoa, Italy
- Valerio Fuoglio   Genoa, Italy
- Gilles Caulier    Salon de provence, France
                    31/10-2/11, 2 nights? Please add an estiamte.

- Marcel Wiesweg    Essen, Germany, Note: 31/10?
                    Assume 31/10-2/11, 2 nights (To be confirmed)
                    flight about 350€ (include return ticket?)

- Kåre Särs         Vasa, Finland
                    30/10-3/11, 4 night
                    flight 550-600€ (include return ticket?)

- Aurélien Gâteau   Paris, France 
                    31/10-2/11, 2 nights? Please add an estiamte.
- Vardhman Jain     Hyderabad or Bombay or Bangalore, India 
                    30/10-3/11 - (4/11 back home from Paris)
                    Assume 4 night, but if you prefer going to Paris on 4/11
                    to get it in time let us know.
                    Since you are in Europe already, can you make an estimate?

- Colin Guthrie     Edinburgh Scotland
                    30/10-3/11, 4 night
                    flight £258.20 (about €325) (include return ticket?)

- Andrea Diamantini Senigallia, Italy
                    31/10-2/11, 2 nights? Are you coming by car?
                    Please add an estiamte.

Accomodation estimate: 
 we've found some hotels that can host all at the moment (it depends on 
 confirm date of course) the cost should be around 65-85€ per night and person,
 bed and breackfast. 

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