[Kde-imaging] kde imaging sprint

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Tue May 13 17:21:07 CEST 2008

On Monday 12 May 2008, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hi all..
> so.. a dev sprint sounds like a good idea. i think perhaps for the 4.2 time
> frame it might be possible?
> does October work for people? if so .. when in October?

October is fine, usually, but either from 18-26 or 11-19 (that's not known 
yet), there's a school holiday in .nl, and I hope to be able to take a family 
holiday then.

> we'll also need to find a location, though that usually isn't *too* hard.
> it's often best if one of the attendees lives in the area (so you don't
> have a crowd of equally lost people ;) but it isn't a requirement. if
> anyone has a suggestion for that, let me know, otherwise i'll scout a place
> out.

I wish I could help there... There are good and affordable hotels in Deventer, 
and Deventer is easy to reach and my daughters are everlastingly asking when 
there'll be some more hackers around. But apart from my kitchen table there's 
not much hacking space. My company doesn't offer any kind of useful 
connectivity to start with, and goes downhill from there.

> if you'd like to attend, please send me your name, what you work on, where
> you live (for travel cost extimation purposes) and what dates work for you
> by private email.


> the length of the sprint is another question .. 4-6 days tends to work
> well, though 6 can often be hard for people with day jobs. 4 is often
> easier to accommodate, and even 3 days can be useful.

4 days would be the absolute maximum for me.

> with some more of this information in hand, i can then create a proposal
> and send it to the e.V. board for approval.

Boudewijn Rempt 

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