[Kde-imaging] ksaneplugin (and libksane)

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Tue May 6 14:24:41 CEST 2008

martedì 6 maggio 2008 alle 13:32, Kåre Särs ha scritto:
> And move libksane to kdegraphics.
well i do hope Aurelién will tell us his opinion, since we have
tlaked about that yesterday :)

Anyway which is the difference between kdegraphics and extragear
but the one that conecerns release plans? Maybe it is better to think
a more likely kdegraphics-lib or something about that, that could be usefull
for all of those projects that only need libraries and not other projects, where ever
they are...  
That's only my opinion of course, and i don't know if doable :)


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