[Kde-imaging] kipi-plugins 0.1.5 available for testing

Achim Bohnet ach at mpe.mpg.de
Wed Mar 12 22:13:22 CET 2008

On Wednesday, 12. March 2008, Valerio Fuoglio wrote:
> Hi,
> kipi-plugins 0.1.5 is ready for testing:
> http://www.valeriofuoglio.it/kipi/kipi-plugins-0.1.5.tar.bz2
> http://www.valeriofuoglio.it/kipi/kipi-plugins-0.1.5.tar.bz2.md5

configure check need an update. Installed is

ii  libkdcraw2                         0.1.3-1                            Raw picture decoding C++ library (runtime)

configure says:

checking for libkdcraw in our sources... not found in sources
checking for libkdcraw >= 0.1.2... yes
checking LIBKDCRAW_CFLAGS... -I/usr/include/kde
checking LIBKDCRAW_LIBS... -lkdcraw

but an build fails due to out of date libkdcraw

kipi-plugins-0.1.5/./kipi-plugins/imageviewer/texture.cpp:92: error:
'class KDcrawIface::DcrawBinary' has no member named 'rawFiles'

> Waiting your feedback  :)

A (pointed) remark: Due to all this lib API incompatibilities with
each release one has more or less to update/rebuild libk*, kipi-plugins
and all kipi host application together. This really sucks :(

So updating is an all or nothing and not much fun, really.
When I think about backporting, then libgpod and exiv2 etc are
also out too old, then the real fun begins :(

We should really better try to a) avoid breaking backward compatibiliy,
b) collect API breaking changes and do them once together, and c) if not
too complicated ensure software build with the 2 last API version.

Another way would be to move a kipi-plugin into it's own process (Hide
the implementation detail behind libkipi API ;)   This way kipi-plugins
and the kipi host apps could each use different API version of an lib
like libkdcraw1 and libkdcraw3,  libkexiv2-1 and libkexiv2-2 etc. 
without danger to crash.

Just my 2 cents,

> Official release is planned for tomorrow or thursday.
> Regards, 
> 	Valerio
> -- 
> Valerio Fuoglio <valerio at ulteo.com> - http://www.valeriofuoglio.it
> KDE Developer - KIPI Plugins - http://www.kipi-plugins.org 
> Ulteo Core Developer - http://www.ulteo.com

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