[Kde-imaging] Export and Import to IPTC
Michael J Gruber
michaeljgruber+kde-imaging at fastmail.fm
Mon Mar 12 15:51:39 CET 2007
Gilles Caulier venit, vidit, dixit 2007-03-09 09:03:
> 2007/3/9, Carrion, Fabian (GE Money, consultant)
> <Fabian.Carrion at ge.com
> <mailto:Fabian.Carrion at ge.com>>:
> Hi,
> Yeah I have to take care about c++ exception.
> I haven't use your libkexiv2 interface because Jesper tells me to
> use that library.
> This interface use Exception for you and take a care of IPTC string
> size. It a QT like interface, more easy to use than pure C++ using
> exception.
> Ok I had a look at your metadataedit plugin.
> My plugin should map directly ImageInfo datas to IPTC tags and IPTC
> tags to ImageInfo datas.
> Right now I maped it that way from info to Iptc:
> Iptc.Application2.Headline <-- info.title
> Iptc.Application2.Caption <-- info.description
> Iptc.Application2.Category <-- album.name <http://album.name>
> Wrong: "Category" is not a simple string. Use "subcategory" instead
> category and set "category" to the 3 char tag explained in IPTC doc.
> Also, take a care than IPTC strings are size limited.
> Iptc.Application2.DateCreated <-- info.time().toString("yyyy-MM-dd")
> Iptc.Envelope.TimeSent <-- info.time().toString("hh:mm:ss")
> Iptc.Application2.Keywords <-- info.attributes().key("Keywords")
> Iptc.Application2.City <--
> info.attributes().key("Locations")
> Right now I maped it that way from Iptc to info:
> info.setDescription <-- Iptc.Application2.Caption
> info.addAttributes("Keywords") <-- Iptc.Application2.Keywords
> info.addAttributes("Locations") <-- Iptc.Application2.City
> info.setTitle <-- Iptc.Application2.Headline
> Just want to know if you agree with this mapping.
> Well, in digiKam we have already a mapping interface with IPTC. Your
> mapping is a little bit different than digiKam. I recommend you to
> include this mapping code in KPhotoAlbum core, not like a common plugin.
> Does metadataedit do the same ?
> no. this plugin is a metadata tags editor from scratch (EXIF and IPTC).
> There is also 2 plugins witch already do a part of your code :
> -CommentEdit (from MetadataEdit plugin) about to batch Comments on Exif
> and IPTC
> -TimeAdjust plugin witch batch date and time in IPTC and Exif.
> All my code use libkexiv2, not Exiv2 directly.
> If not I can think about an integration between both plugin =)
> no, this is not the same. I recommend to put your code in KphotoAlbum
> core not kipi-plugins. It's too specific. I have do this with digiKa. My
> kipi-plugins are independant of kipi hosts metadata rules. They can be
> used from every hosts without break anything.
In fact, given what I see, I'd rather use the Metaedit plugin with
Kphotoalbum (KPA). Most KPA users want their images not to be modified
by KPA, at least not automatically. Metaedit meets this demand.
I'd prefer to have some KPA enhancements which use IPTC for searching
and the like, without storing KPA specific info in IPTC; maybe for
editing IPTC transparently, but standard compliance is a must. As much
as possible should be done within Metaedit, that way all KIPI host can
profit from combined development efforts.
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