[Kde-imaging] DateTime in exif and ther signification

Caulier Gilles caulier.gilles at kdemail.net
Sat Jan 13 14:47:54 CET 2007

Le Mardi 9 Janvier 2007 15:25, Stéphane Pontier a écrit :
> Hi,
> I was wandering about the different Exif time and their use:
> I took some pictures during a trip in germany and back at home, I
> created a panorama from a set of pictures. Now I wander how to fill
> correctly the Exif (or IPTC) tag:
> the digitization datetime is set to the the time I've taken the set of
> pictures (aproximatly),
> I set the creation datetime to the datetime I created the panarama
> (about 1month later)
> Is it correct or not?
> and what about the Original datetime?
> The problem is that when I fetch the date with
> Exiv2Iface::getImageDateTime it return first the standard Exif date
> time entry (which I think correspond to the creation date). and when I
> export the set of pictures and the panorama to a kml file and see it
> with google earth, this one show me on the timeline that the panorama
> was taken one month later than the set of picture.
> Did I misinterpreted the Exif datedime signification or do I have to
> try to fetch the digitization datetime directly?
> As I speak of this, I just thought that there will be a inverse
> problem with scanned picture where I want to put in the kml file the
> date the picture was taken, not the datetime I scanned the picture
> (which I think is digitization datetime).

I recommend you to take a look into the Exif and IPTC spec about Date & Time 
tags :




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