[Kde-imaging] Kipi-plugins fixing release ?

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Thu Feb 8 18:00:44 CET 2007

Alle 17:28, giovedì 8 febbraio 2007, Fabien ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Is there still a plan to have a fixing release in a few weeks that would 
> contain just missing translations (mainly for ipodexport) ?
I'm very busy at work at this moment, so i didn't think to that much by now,
but yes it was planned so we should do that. Next week-end i'll try to
see if we/I can say when. 

> If it's the case, I would be happy to add some french translations for a 
> few kipi-plugins that are not translated yet (especially gpsync) using 
> the stable pot files.
> There are not many changes since the stable release, so I could easily 
> do the translation for the stable branch, then update them in the trunk...
Unfortunately not, the libkexiv dependency is a big difference.
So I believe I'll do a tarball from the last release tag as far as kipi-plugins
concern and from trunk as far as tranlations concern...

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