[Kde-imaging] svn2log.py for the changelog.

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Sun Feb 4 16:58:38 CET 2007

Alle 02:05, domenica 4 febbraio 2007, Tom Albers ha scritto:
> Hi, 
> I just patched that script - well i only applied a patch and committed - so it can handle the utf-8 accounts file, 
> so running it should be possible again, use it with the --users-charset=UTF8 option.
OK, todo:
- patching the script in libs SVN. 
- removing scripting entries into Changelogs.
> I tested it for kipi-plugins and it works flawless. 
Right, next time I'll try again. At least in case of failure i can use
svn2cl now ;)

Anyway, as soon as I find the rime i'll check if we can use svn2cl and
something skipping SVN_SILENT messages. That solution is helpful also
where I work, so I should find the time to do it...

Thanks for it,
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