[Kde-imaging] RFC: next kipi & co. generation

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Thu Sep 28 20:56:44 CEST 2006

Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>> Obviously for non-permanent collections (like e.g. the current
>> selection?) it would not make sense to provide a KConfig interface, so
>> the plugin should check to see that it is provided before using it!
>> Also it would be optional for a host application to provide this, so it
>> doesn't have to be implemented but the host app would loose certain
>> functionality of the plugin.
> Hmm, beware of "flexibility overflow". While it sounds nice, it means a plugin
> should be tested on different hosts to make sure it works consistently on all
> of them.
> I would rather only add a isPermanent() method to ImageCollection so that a 
> plugin can determine if it can store settings. If an host app doesn't want to
> implement support for permanent settings it only needs to return false in 
> isPermanent(). This could even be the default implementation of isPermanent().

True, that should be enough :)

Tho' if we are e.g. returning a KConfig* from e.g. a GetConfig() method,
it is still good practice to do null checks etc. Hense why I was
thinking that the default implementation of GetConfig() would just be
"return NULL;" and that would make it, by default, optional. It doesn't
really matter all in all really as long as, in principle, I'm not
suggesting something stupid :)


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