[Kde-imaging] Slideshow dialog

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at kdemail.net
Tue Oct 17 09:33:29 CEST 2006

On Monday 16 October 2006 22:22, Valerio Fuoglio (thewally) wrote:
> Hi,
> some time ago, Angelo said me that slideshow isn't so easy to modify as
> should be, because its configuration dialog is coded directly into
> its .cpp files.
> A  dialog created with qt-designer  should help... (I hope...)
> Here it is : http://pub.thewally.it/kipi/
> Please, tell me if it's ok, so I can go on with bugs and wishes..
> If slideshow plugin still unmaintained (Angelo, is it?), I would take
> care of it, can I?

I'm not favorable to use Qt designer actually :

- Qt designer is dedicaced to create complex GUI, not a very simple dialog 
layout like we have in SlideShow. 
- Qt 3.x designer code is not clean. Qt 4.0 will improve that.
- Dialog code already exist. No need to re-create it. There is a risk to 
introduce some new bugs. Fixing the existing bugs is a priority.
- There is some problems between .ui file and Automake. This will fixed 
normally with CMake.

This is just my viewpoint. Sorry for this sounds wrong, but this is my 
experience using Qt designer. In all kipi-plugins, digiKam and 
DigikamImagePlugins, i never use Qt designer. I prefer to code gui layout 
from scratch. It's more clean and more easy to debug/understand.

To resume: i recommend you to switch gui implementation when we will port 
plugins to Qt 4.0, not before. Normally this will be more easy to do (i hope 

Gilles Caulier

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