[Kde-imaging] About next release

Valerio Fuoglio valerio.fuoglio at kdemail.net
Wed Nov 15 16:26:48 CET 2006

Alle 15:43, mercoledì 15 novembre 2006, Angelo Naselli ha scritto:
> > Alle 17:49, lunedì 13 novembre 2006, Valerio Fuoglio ha scritto:
> > > http://pub.thewally.it/kipi/48x48.png
> Valerio could you commit that one? I believe it's better than the old
> one, and moreover it seems to say kipi's going on...

Yes, ASAP.
In accord with new icons, this needs to be changed too:

Can I do it?

> If someone wants to propose something else he's welcome. One day we
> could have more than one icons and let the user configure which he
> prefers.

Great idea :D

> We should keep the svg files (also the discarded ones) somewhere, how
> about the new web site?

Template is ready. http://www.kipi-plugins.org/drupal/
I've some problem with image display (cannot source image with direct 
linking -- server seems to have an anti-leech system) and import 
(developers should have the image upload possibility).

Users are divided into 3 groups:
- Anonymous
- Subscribed (maybe we can permit to post comments)+
- Developers (who can modify and add contents).

What we need:
1) Every mantainer should register a new user, in the form "Name 
Surname" (ie "Valerio Fuoglio" --- space character included).
2) Every mantainer should insert  description and images for his 
plugin/plugins (For images I should fix those problems).

> Angelo


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