[Kde-imaging] BKO status and comments.

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Tue May 2 09:52:21 CEST 2006

Alle 23:24, lunedì 1 maggio 2006, Caulier Gilles ha scritto:
> > jpegloss (Gilles)
> > 123.499	cri	raw images are rotated wrong
> > Apologize to Gilles for this, because his changes
> > would impact with all the host applications. So please
> > developers can you anser him to allow him going on?
> Qt api is now disable. Only JPEG file can be processed by this plugin. B.K.O 
> file status can be toogle from critic to normal
Good, that could be what we need to have a less critical rc2. :)
> Using ImageMagick API still todo. Can be done before final release, not later.
Agreed. Let me know how's going on. what do digikam developers think about 
your changes (except you of course :) )? 
> > 100.835	nor  Auto-rotate image error dialog blocks rotate cancel button
> > 119.537	nor  Exif width and height are not corrected after lossless ro...
> Not yet fixed. Still todo.
Thanks. I'm waiting for Aurelien and Toma feedbacks and then I believe we can
have the rc2, hope before next Saturday.

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