[Kde-imaging] SimpleViewerExport 0.1

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Sun Jan 22 17:53:56 CET 2006

Alle 11:22, domenica 22 gennaio 2006, Joern Ahrens ha scritto:
First of all i didn't mean to be rude, i apologize if you thought so.
I'd like to understand only what we have. 

> > I'm confused, why we should have a plugin that needs a close source
> Why shouldn't we have a plugin that supports a free product? Only because its 
> source is only available for cash?
I didn't mean that. My point of view was why the plugin has to install a non gpl
or non other open source license. If the plugin makes a work that can only be seen 
by a program (free or not is not important) there's no problems -since
it doesn't violate any license- then you can see the work you made with
the right program, if you don't have you can install it according to its 
> > product? How can you say there's no security problems or what else?
> > I'm afraid it could ship kipi-plugins to all those packages that are not
> > included into open distros. Think to PLF packages as a mandriva example.
> The flash player isn't shipped with the plugin itself, so you are free to 
> decide if you let the plugin install it or not. Achim thinks there is no 
> problem for debain for example. Every distribution which really has a problem 
> with it, can remove it from it installation and doesn't have to ship it in 
> its kipi package.
Sure. You're right, but before doing it i'd like to understand if 
i could or i must remove it (as, I believe, should do any other distro's 
packager of course).

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