[Kde-imaging] About ImagesGallery plugin

Aurelien Gateau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Fri Feb 10 00:10:53 CET 2006

Le Jeudi 9 Février 2006 23:31, Achim Bohnet a écrit :
> Well, most people use prebuild pkgs.  I promised to pkg everything
> digikam needs for debian/kubunt and same is true for kipi-plugins.  And
> when one chooses a popular program with active developers you can
> be almost sure that others have already created pkgs for almost every
> distribution.

That's true.

> Considering rare developer resources, it's principal no good idea
> to duplicate functionality.  Let the non-devel-pkg-creating folk
> take care of it.

In a sense, my proposal to base gallery generation on user modifiable 
templates can be seen as a way to reduce work on the plugin, since an 
html-savvy user will be able to implement and contribute quite a lot of 
features himself.

> > - i18n support
> > - Provide a way to display progress of the generation process

After a tour of the available generators, these two points proved to be 
difficult to find out.

> > I'm going to have a look at the available generators to see if one suits
> > our needs. If one of you know such a generator, let me know.

> > > Obtaining meta data is also a problem for kipi plugins themself.  This
> > > needs to be address in API V2 of kipi IMHO.
> >
> > In the current version of the API, KIPI plugins can already access some
> > metadata like the image title, comment and the album list. Maybe we need
> > more metadata, though.
> I remeberrequest for tags, exif info, and kaddressbook data
> on digikam mailing list, for grouping, sorting and displaying.
> AFAIK especially for flickr plugin the current API was quite
> limiting?  Vardham?

Oh, I see. This is something we need to address.


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