[Kde-imaging] [Bug 114519] and more

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Sat Apr 8 18:20:43 CEST 2006

Alle 17:54, sabato 8 aprile 2006, Angelo Naselli ha scritto:
Well the patch is a more little then this one... indent changed sorry.
>  void Plugin_AcquireImages::slotAcquireImageDone(const QImage &img)
>  {
> -    KIPI::Interface* interface = dynamic_cast<KIPI::Interface*>( parent() );
> +  //FIXME: this is not a cleaned way to test if scan has been interrupted
> +  //       anyway it prevents a crash
> +  QImage * pImg = (QImage*)&img;
> +  if (!pImg )
> +   {
> +     kdError(51000) << "Acquired image is null!" << endl;
> +     return;
> +   }

I added this because it seams impossible to understand if
the process has been interrupted using KScanDialog.

BTW There's a related bug in it, I remember I've already
discussed in this mailing list in the past, if my scanner
HP PSC 1610 -scanner and printer- is OFF, the plugin
That seems to be related to kscan but my knowledge here
is almost null. 
I tried to unroll KScanDialog::getScanDialog
and but even if i saw it worked as well my
test on some pointers didn't give more feedback
to the problem.
I believe the problem comes from udev and the
device that is not on system until the scanner
is switched on. 

Now there are two problems:
1) avoid plugin to crash
2) open a bug report but tho whom? kooka/libkscan?


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