[Kde-imaging] Calendar plugins > Custom days descriptions

Maciek Borowka maciek at borowka.net
Sun Nov 6 23:40:44 CET 2005

Hello the list,

The attached patch adds a very preliminary support for custom description of 
certain days in the calendar generator plugin. The goal is to let the user 
generate a calendar with all the local holidays, family anniversaries and so 
This is achieved by using a CalFormatter class that can modify the individual 
appearance of every day of printed calendar.

As you can see from the patch (calformatter.cpp around line 45), the code 
badly needs a standard description of the holidays (I don't think I can ask 
my wife to modify the cpp and recompile ;+). I was thinking about three 
1. The simplest solution : an XML file that the user can choose while 
generating the calendar.
2. The same, but with an iCalendar file. How to parse it?
3. Use DCOP and query korganizer about events and other stuff. This would be 
very cool if I only knew how to do that technicaly ;+). 

Your opinions on that?

Another thing: any plans of making the entire calendar themeable (fonts, 
colors, etc)? Just asking.

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Url : http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-imaging/attachments/20051106/7569d0f4/calformatter.bin
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Url : http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-imaging/attachments/20051106/7569d0f4/calformatter-0001.bin
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