[Kde-imaging] Problem Building from SVN

Angelo Naselli random_lx at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 9 08:43:48 CEST 2005

> if you get a recently released extragear app, it 
> has a fairly recent admin directory. __KDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY, as you 
> mentioned, is defined in admin/acinclude.m4.in . But that doesn't 
> guarantee that KDE_EXPORT (in kdemacros.h) is defined.
Rigth and that was why i was afraid it cannot be a definitely solution.

> For eg, a user with kde 3.2 downloads kipi from svn. he will get a very 
> recent admin with __KDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY defined (if his compiler is 
> recent enough). he doesn't have kdemacros.h because it was added only in 
> kde 3.3.2. So for him KDE_EXPORT is undefined and it will break 
> compilation.
A solution could be not to test only the -fvsibility(xxx) options with a
simple function
int some_function( void ) __attribute__ ((visibility("default")));
but to test also if we have kdemacros.h. That should grant the right
behaviour. The trade of between gcc and kde version.

> > Can you give me the command to align to svn so I can try it to all my
> > mandr[ake|iva] versions?
> not sure what you meant here
Does not seem to have any reference to svn, how can i make what i did with
cvs co kdeextragear-libs-1?

> > Mandriva 10.2 has kde 3.3.2 with visibility support (Laurent Montel patched
> > kde to be something like 3.3.X with X almost 90). So if you test it using kde
> > version you can fail for some distros.
> imo this backport was incorrect. packager should not modify kde version, 
> as it makes life difficult for us who want to support multiple distros 
> with different kde versions. right now, its either work with mandriva and 
> break other distros or vice-versa.
Agree moreover they could at least chenge the kde version. But I'm not
a mandriva employee so I cannot know which is the mandriva businness.
I'm afraid it's not only a mandriva issue though.
So a better test in admin should be proposed.


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