[Kde-imaging] tarballs up

Renchi Raju renchi at pooh.tam.uiuc.edu
Thu Oct 14 00:19:04 CEST 2004

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004, Achim Bohnet wrote:

> During the (boring) copyright check of libkipi files I noted:
> o libkipi changelog and README references kipi-plugins
>   That's a bit strange, isn't it ;)

yes, it is. feel free to correct them

> o libkipi design (last change 6-Jun).  Is this uptodate?
>   If yes, is it worth installing in /usr/share/doc/libkipi ?

yes. good for interested plugin authors.

> o TODO contains a letter in ISO8859-1(5): Aur<E9>lien
>   Is there a rule that this should be UTF-8 or plain ascii
>   Ditto with Klarälvdalens in (c) of KDStream.cpp,.h

no idea.

> o vim tell me if there's a missing final newline.
> o can I add in front of every copyright holder the string
>   copyright (so later grep copyright hit all copyright holders?)
> Is it okay to commit such trival changes when I come along them
> during my copyright audit for the debian pkgs?

yes, it would be ok. i have updated the cvs using your previous
suggestions and have retagged the cvs. i'm in the process of extracting
the tarballs now and wouldn't like to redo them; takes a long time... my
kipi-plugins extract (with i18n) took over 3 hours last night and my
current extraction is still running. we will have a release of
kipi-plugins 0.1 stable and if there are enough changes in libkipi by
then, maybe a 0.1.1 or 0.2 release might be in order and your changes will
go in then. in any case these are minor stuff and shouldn't affect the
usability of the packages.


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