[Kde-imaging] Printwizard

Renchi Raju renchi at pooh.tam.uiuc.edu
Tue Nov 30 13:36:35 CET 2004

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Linus Gasser wrote:

> - There are two windows too much in the printwizard. Why explain what'll
> happen? Why spend a whole window with a text "press <next> to print"?

well, you have to give the user an opportunity to go back and make any
changes. with your changes, user has no way of knowing that the printing
starts when he/she clicks on the next button on the last page before the
printing page. the page with "press next to print" is a placeholder page
separating the initial pages from the "point of no return" :) and imo it
should be retained.

> - There should be a possiblity to adjust for image-brightness

going by that logic, one would also like to correct image contrast, color
saturation. all this stuff belongs in the host app and not in the
printwizard. a more correct solution would be to apply ICC color profiles
to the image (which might not be too trivial).


PS: i'm not the printwizard plugin author. Todd, the author, might be
better able to answer your queries.

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