[Kde-imaging] Some questions...

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at free.fr
Fri Jun 18 15:04:02 CEST 2004

Le vendredi 18 Juin 2004 14:45, Craig Drummond a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've just compiled kipi, and have a few questions:
> 1. Most (all?) kipi-plugins seem to create dialogs
> without specifying a parent. This causes the dialog to
> produce an entry in the taskbar - and, IMHO, doesn't
> look very professional. Would there be any objections
> if I went round and changed these to have parents?
> 2. Some of the plugins still reference "directories",
> whereas KDE uses the term "folder". Can I change these
> as well?

We will fixed that...

> 3. The jpeglossless plugin allows a user to convert an
> image to grayscale - and there is no way to undo! The
> attatched patch just adds a warning dialog before the
> operation. As the parent of this message box, I'm
> using "kapp->activeWindow()" - would this be OK for
> the parentless dialogs mentioned in 1 above?
> 4. Some plugins still have references to digikam - I
> assume these will be removed soon. However, some use
> the digikamrc file - is it intended that plugins each
> have their own config file, or will the usage of
> digikamrc be replaced with a kipirc?

I have fixed that yesterday !!! (:=)) Please update your local CVS copy of 

> 5. I've noticed in Gwenview that when an image is
> altered via kipi, that the display is not updated. Is
> this a Gwenview error? Does kipi have a way of
> informing the host-app that an image has been changed?
Probably a problem with the kipi interface for Gwenview...

> 6. I've created a small app for the removal of
> hot-pixels. This is a fairly simple wrapper around the
> jpegpixi program. I'd like to convert this to be a
> kipi-plugin. jpegpixi works on the raw-jpeg data, and
> avoids re-compressing the image when saving. Will kipi
> allow access to the raw image data? 

Not actually. The only way is to use dcraw....

> Or would my plugin 
> have to re-read the file? If the plugin has to re-read
> the file, is there any point to having this as a
> plugin? What I'd really like is to be able to modify
> the raw data, inform the host-app of this (so the
> image can be updated), then the user can view the
> results before saving. So ideally I'd like the
> host-app to pass my plugin the raw data, and a QImage
> (so that I can check for the existance of hot-pixels
> on the real image).
> 7. I'm also writing a simple plugin to acquire images
> from a camera (either via KDE's camera:/ ioslave, or
> by mounting the device), 

I'm very impatient to see that ...

> and re-naming (based upon 
> exif data) the images before saving to the target
> folder - i.e. all my photos are named "YYYY-MM-DD
> hh:mm:ss.jpg". Does this sound useful to anyone other
> than myself?

BatchRemaneimages already exist. It's not necessary to recreate a new plugin 
for this fonction. Perhaps you can patch this plugin...

> That's all for now...
> Craig.

Gilles Caulier

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