[Kde-imaging] Some comments on plugins and a feature request
Caulier Gilles
caulier.gilles at free.fr
Mon Jul 19 22:46:21 CEST 2004
Le lundi 19 Juillet 2004 17:17, Jesper K. Pedersen a écrit :
> On Sunday 18 July 2004 22:43, Renchi Raju wrote:
> | On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, Jesper K. Pedersen wrote:
> | > | I am playing with all the plugins to see how they work, and I just
> | > | have some comments:
> | > |
> | > | 1) There are two plugins that do the same job:
> | > |
> | > | - "Convert to Blank and White" plugin; and
> | > | - Tools -> Batch -> Color Images -> Grey scales
> | > |
> | > | I think the second one is a lot better than the first one. Since it
> | > | give us the change to chose a lot of things like overwrite mode,
> | > | target directory, previewing, seeing the image file list ...
> | > |
> | > | I think that having duplicated features is uncomfortable for the
> | > | user. So, I think it would better if "Convert to Blank and White"
> | > | plugin were disabled by default.
> | >
> | > What is the reason for having the "Convert to Blank and White" plugin?
> | > Could it be removed?
> |
> | the "convert to black and white" is a lossless jpeg operation (which also
> | does conversion of other image formats - these in a non-lossless
> | mode). the tools -> batch -> ... operation is a regular non-lossless
> | operation (pixel based operation).
Remark : an -lossless option for imagemagick can be used for to solve this
point. But i think it's not important...
You have missing a big difference between JPEGLOssLess plugin and batch
plugin : the first one can be operate only on the current ablum, the second
can be operate on a list on files from differents albums.
Also, for the plugins results :
JpegLossLess -> source = target.
Batch -> source != || == target.
> |
> | > | 2) Right now there are three "rotate" functions in Kimdaba:
> | > |
> | > | - The old one in the configure image dialog (and the best one for
> | > | me), - The Rotate plugin, and
> | > | - The EXIF Rotate/Flip adjusment plugin
> | > |
> | > | I am a little confused by the last one. What does it exactly do?
> | >
> | > Yes, what does the last one do?
> |
> | i'm guessing the first one is from kimdaba.
> | the second one is jpeg lossless rotation - user specifies the angle
> | (90,180,270) and the image is rotated by that angle
> | the third one is a special case of jpeg lossless rotation - it looks at
> | the exif information in the image and automatically rotates/flips the
> | image (without user intervention) according to the exif orientation. It
> | also resets the exif orientation to that of a normal orientation on
> | completion.
> |
> | now, the explanations are out of the way, i admit there's a bit of
> | confusion as to whats expected to happen in the Case 1) and user might
> | think there are redundant operations. two options:
> |
Not really redondante for the reasons above. But it's certainly confuse. A way
for to solve that is a full documentation for this plugins.
Nota : i have provide a full 'what's this' info on batch plugins.
> | a) rename all the jpeg lossless operations as "Lossless rotation / flip/
> | convert to bw" as such and strip of all non-jpeg operation from this
> | plugin.
> |
> | or
> |
> | b) retain the current operations on non-jpeg files in jpeg lossless
> | plugin and strip of redundant operations from the batch plugin.
> I opt for (a) the extensions in batch plugin is usefull in itself.
me too.
> I also suggest that "EXIF rotate/flip adjustment" is renamed. I dont know
> to what, but the name seems very unintuitive to me.
If you have a best option name...
> Why is "Find duplicate images" in a submenu for itself btw?
Because ihave planed some new tools in this submenu like find aproximate
images (like ImgSeek !), find comments, etc.
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