Question about Serbian translations and Android

Nicolas Fella nicolas.fella на
Нед Јун 27 17:00:35 BST 2021


as far as I can see there are four variants of Serbian supported in
KDE's translation infrastrucure: sr, sr на ijekavian, sr на ijekavian, and
sr на latin.

Android has a different set of supported Serbian language variants:
sr-Cyrl-ME, sr-Cyrl-RS, sr-Cyrl-XK, sr-Latn-BA, sr-Latn-ME, sr-Latn-RS,
and sr-Latn-XK.

Can you please help me in creating a mapping from the language id KDE
uses to the one used by Android? This would help me ensure that our apps
are properly translated into Serbian languages on Android.



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