[kde-i18n-ro] New KDE translation web site : http://l10n.kde.org
Nicolas Ternisien
nicolas.ternisien at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 13:57:40 CET 2006
Hello everybody !
You are received this mail because you have subscribed to the
i18n.kde.org web site, or any mailing lists linked to i18n and KDE.
This mail informs you that the i18n.kde.org is going to change and be
renamed to l10n.kde.org. This mail has already been sent to the
kde-www at kde.org, and kde-i18n-doc at kde.org mailing lists, but I would
like to be sure every translators is aware of the current status.
New web site : http://l10n.kde.org
I'm working since a couple of months on the refactoring of
http://i18n.kde.org website, which is going to be renamed to
http://l10n.kde.org, following the big changes on the SVN repository.
i18n web site was maintained by Claudiu Costin, who accepted my help
to modify in deep the web site.
This refactoring, for the moment, mostly modify scripts, pages, style
and use the KDE PHP framework. As you can already see, this web site
is nearly finished and there are no main differences between features
of this site and the current one. In fact, I hope this site will be
the beginning of new ideas that people could have to improve
translation and internationalization processes in KDE project.
Claudiu and other administrators of i18n.kde.org web sites already
done a lot of job, and this job of course has been integrated in
Normally, the official release could be done in the middle of February
depending how fast the SVN accounts are created.
Translation teams sub sites
Before releasing it (and replace the i18n.kde.org link _everywhere_ in
the KDE family web sites), there is something that must be done. The
old web site uses a dedicated CVS server to store its content. The
l10n.kde.org uses now the official SVN server of KDE.
Many translation teams have their own web sites, available in a
subdomain of i18n.kde.org. Of course, these web sites are also be
available in the l10n.kde.org, and I would like each teams to verify
that these web sites correctly work.
The old web sites were at
http://<locale>.i18n.kde.org, and they are now available at
Please verify that links of your web sites now points to l10n.kde.org.
In theory, we will try to keep compatibility between links of
i18n.kde.org and l10n.kde.org, but it will be better if most links in
KDE family are updated.
Creation of SVN accounts
The old CVS server uses different accounts, to allow teams modifying
their respective web sites. These accounts need to be recreated, for
those who are interested, in the KDE SVN repository.
These web sites are currently in
I would like to know who needs a SVN account, among translator teams.
(see http://developer.kde.org/documentation/misc/applysvnaccount.php
for more information).
PS: Do not be frightened if the SVN copies of your local web sites are
not synchronized, they will be synchronized once the current CVS
server will not be used anymore.
Future ideas
About tools which will be cool to integrate in a next future to
l10n.kde.org, an assignation system of PO files for translation teams
could be a interesting idea. I know that the French and Italian teams
already use this kind of system, to be sure that 2 persons do not
translate the same file at the same time.
Of course, this feature is only an example, so if you have other
ideas, please tell us.
Look at :
for more information.
Do not hesitate to contact me to let me know that you could be
interested and if you find any problem in l10n.kde.org
Thanks by advance.
Nicolas Ternisien.
PS: Please answer to the public KDE i18n mailing list,
kde-i18n-doc at kde.org, to be sure everybody can see this discussion.
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