[kde-i18n-ro] Forma plural

Eddy Petrişor eddy.petrisor at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 14:21:58 CEST 2005

On 8/25/05, Bruno Haible <bruno at clisp.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Eddy Petrişor wrote:
> > I would like to report that the correct form for the plurals for
> > Romanian is the following one:
> >
> > nplurals=3;plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1))
> >
> > Please change this in the gettext code base.
> Thanks for the report. But how come the literature about Romanian
> grammar [1] [2] doesn't mention this? Also, since the formula is a bit

Well the difference is really slim between the two plural forms, and
most of us didn't realised this until I pointed it out on our MLs.

We are currently in the stage of confirming the exact form with a
grammar manual or at the Romanian Academy. (Romanians any contacts are

> complicated, could you please confirm it by writing the translation of
> "<n> errors" (or it can be any other noun):
> 0 errors    = ?

0 erori

> 1 error     = ?

1 eroare

> 2 errors    = ?

2 erori

> ...
> 19 errors   = ?

19 erori

> 20 errors   = ?

20 de erori
25 de erori
> ...
> 99 errors   = ?

99 de erori

> 100 errors  = ?

100 de erori

> 101 errors  = ?

101 erori

> 102 errors  = ?

102 erori

> ...
> 119 errors  = ?

119 erori

> 120 errors  = ?

120 de erori

500 de erori

501 erori
519 erori
520 de erori

As you can see the diffrence between the two forms is rather slim;
there is only the preposition "de".

I suggest you keep this on hold until we have a  confirmation in a
manual or some official documentation/source.

We all agreed upon this issue and we were all amazed about the fact
that we didn't realized this diffrence until now. Is really funny how
we do things automatically sometimes.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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