[kde-i18n-pt] Translation of KDE 3.5.5 announcement
José Nuno Coelho Sanarra Pires
jose.pires inov.pt
Terça-Feira, 10 de Outubro de 2006 - 19:40:27 CEST
Em Terça, 10 de Outubro de 2006 18:21, o Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
> The html and this
> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/sites/www/announcements/announce-3.5.5.php
> Albert
In that case, here are two files with translations for the Release Announcement:
announce-3.5.5-pt.php: The translation for the PHP file into Portuguese, with regular accentuation in UTF-8
announce-3.5.5-entities-pt.php: The same file, but with accents replaced by HTML entities
Whatever suits you best.
Best regards,
José Nuno Coelho Pires
Development Engineer
Unidade de Sistemas de Informação
Telemóvel: 96 630 61 13
E-Mail: jose.pires inov.pt
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