[Kde-i18n-fa] re: some problems

Seyed M Tabatabi tabai at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 22 17:25:36 CEST 2003

On Monday September 22 03 2:57 pm, Ali Yazdy wrote:

> dear Arian
> sorry for misspelling. I don't know if this word has
> been discussed before or not. but first I think to use
> the word cache itself in translation will not be a
> great sin, but if we insist to use a Farsi word it
> would be better to use a meaningful word. Imagine  a
> user that has some experience in working with Englilsh
>  environments before. when he/she sees the farsikde,
> how the hell he can  guess the meaning of zaghe is
> cache? but I will change the translation to zaghe
> anyway.

here is my $.02:

Farsi is a beautiful and capable language. The words can be invented if needed 
but it would be simpler and more fun to use something familiar and relevant 
for english equivalent term rather than blindly translating literaly. I agree 
few if any would use kargozar for server.

e.g. for CACHE why not use Zakhireh (arabic word but used in farsi anyways and 
most people undrestand it readily) or PASTOO or NAHANEH; and for SERVER why 
not use BARBAR, just the same way as Piyamgeer is a good (but not literal) 
translation for Answering Machine; (and I think it is accepted by the people 
and people like it and use it). I am not intended to branch out another 
farsikde;  just trying to make a point here.

I guess translation of technical term is more like an art than a science.

One question I have though is how the translations is accepted and approved by 
the group here.  What is the procedure? I mean in one of farsikde screenshots 
I saw PISHFARZ ( a tab ) which was supposed to mean Default ( tab). Is this 
correct? I mean is it cosher to mix a farsi pishvand (i.e PISH) with an 
arabic root (i.e. FARZ) to make a supposedly Farsi new term (i.e. PISHFARZ)? 
IF this is not sound who Should I complain to?


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