[Kde-i18n-fa] some problems - new info

Aryan Ameri a.ameri at linuxiran.org
Sun Oct 5 14:34:27 CEST 2003

On Saturday 04 October 2003 23:31, Arash Partow wrote:
> Hi,
> After doing some research it seems that the word "bit" is not a word on its
> own but a consolidation of two words binary terminal, which is mentioned
> in Ada Lovelace's dissertation about her notes of Babbage's Analytical
> Machine. she uses the phrase "binary terminal" a few times initially, then
> begins using the term bit, and references the word bit to binary terminal
> in the appendices of the dissertation.
> Best case would be for bit to be translated into Persian as binary terminal
> with the same type of consolidation made as is done in english if
> necessary, and from there bitmap to be redefined.
> Arash
> PS: Terminal as is defined within mathematical logic is an entity with
>        n-ary states.

So how is, dop دوپ which stands for dodoyi payaneh دودویی پایانه ?

But isn't this the job of farhangestan?

We are supposed to translate, not invent new words. right?

/*  "Every gun that is made, every warship launched,
every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a
theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those
 who are cold and are not clothed."*/
		--President Eisenhower

Aryan Ameri

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