[Kde-i18n-fa] some problems - new info

Arash Partow arash at partow.net
Sun Oct 5 07:31:43 CEST 2003


After doing some research it seems that the word "bit" is not a word on its
own but a consolidation of two words binary terminal, which is mentioned
in Ada Lovelace's dissertation about her notes of Babbage's Analytical
Machine. she uses the phrase "binary terminal" a few times initially, then
begins using the term bit, and references the word bit to binary terminal
in the appendices of the dissertation.

Best case would be for bit to be translated into Persian as binary terminal
with the same type of consolidation made as is done in english if
necessary, and from there bitmap to be redefined.


PS: Terminal as is defined within mathematical logic is an entity with
       n-ary states.

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Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.

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