[Kde-i18n-fa] FarsiKDE

Aryan Ameri a.ameri at linuxiran.org
Mon Nov 10 16:10:06 CET 2003


The file that you sent for me for the Kbabel Dictionary seems to be 
working fine. Just one questions remains now:

I am using Xfree86 4.3 and KDE 3.1.4 Using the LinuxTahoma font, 
available on the linuxiran.org! website, I can't use the virual space 
in a meaningful way. I mean, it works, but when I use it, the line 
shifts to the left a couple of spaces, and then editing the text is not 
possible, because the cursor is not where it is shown in the screen. I 
don't know how to describe it, but I once showed it to Arah B once I 
was in Iran, and he acknowledged the problem. I don't remember if he 
offered me any fix or not.

I have been coping with it for a long time now, I it wasn't an 
earth-shattering issue for me. But now, that I want to work in Kbabel, 
it has become an important bug, since I can't edit anything, in Kbabel 

How are you guys solving this issue? What font are you using? And is 
there any way to fix this in LinuxTahoma?

Other than this, there are no problems, and I am ready to start 
translation; although I will be slow now, and will start the real job 
in about two weeks, when I have a 10 day holiday. Please send me what 
ever file you have for me in mind.

/*  "Every gun that is made, every warship launched,
every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a
theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those
 who are cold and are not clothed."*/
		--President Eisenhower

Aryan Ameri

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