[Kde-i18n-fa] Coordination

Aryan Ameri a.ameri at linuxiran.org
Wed Apr 23 02:56:32 CEST 2003

On Tuesday 22 April 2003 20:19, Abbas Izad wrote:
> Hi everybody
> I have newly joined the club and started with kppp.
> I have couple of questions:

Welcome! It's not actualy a club, we are just a bunch of guys, intrested 
in satisfying a personal itch. Anyway, we can always use a hand.

> one is about <b>some text<b/> should it be translated exactly with
> these tags or how to do?

Yes, these are html tags used in KDE. They shall be translated exatly in 
the same manner. for example <b>English Text </b> should be translated 
exatly as <b>Farsi Text</b>. The same is true about all other html 
tags. However pay attention that sometimes, when these tags are placed 
from right to left, things get weird. So be carefull about them.

> second question is that if there is a priority list of files?

KOffice is our first prioroty. KMail stands after that. kppp is part of 
kdenetwork. while kppp is a great application, nither it nor any other 
kdenetwork application is currently high in our agenda. So yes, there 
is a prioroty list, and it's better to stick to that list, in order to 
be able to act as a consistent team.

Somo was to take care of Kword, while  Ikomi Kara was to take care of 
KSpread. I haven't heard from them for a while now. Hey guys are you 
there? If not, then maybe you can take care of one of these.

> third, I need Arash check the file I started with before I go ahead
> and translate the whole of it. I need some guidence here.

Arash Zeini is going on vacation for a couple of days. So instead of 
sending the file to him and waiting for him to come back, you can send 
you example translated file to me, or to Arash B 
<a.bijanzadeh at linuxiran.org> so that we check it.

Also for a new translaor it is important to read 
www.farsikde.org/guide.php it should get you started.And feel free to 
ask questions here.


/* Mom, I'm not viewing porn late at night; really, 
I'm just at slashdot, reading myself blind */

Aryan Ameri

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