[kde-i18n-el] Suspend of contributing

Luigi Toscano luigi.toscano at tiscali.it
Sun May 4 13:38:00 UTC 2014

Albert Astals Cid ha scritto:
> El Diumenge, 4 de maig de 2014, a les 12:15:54, Dimitrios Glentadakis va 
> escriure:
>>> "I find it sad that you stopped contributing to KDE and even more sad to
>>> see you bring this as a reason."
>>> You may find it sad, but will you do something about it?
>> https://plus.google.com/+VisheshHanda/posts/FXcaf4hb3yx
>> For the above and to support  Aaron Seigo, i suspend -any- contribution to
>> KDE from my part. This is in conjunction with my personal opinion that i
>> made after the introduction of baloo, the behaviour of his developer, and
>> how was admitted by other devs:
>> http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=120733 so i have the feeling of
>> "what i'm doing here", this community doesn't correspond in my values and
>> ideals any more. I'm not someone important so there is no problem for the
>> KDE community.
> Hi Dimitrios, I want to thank you for all the work you've done in making KDE 
> better.
> I'd also like try to make you reconsider your position:
>  * KDE is not a monoculture, we have lots of people with lots of different 
> ideas/point of views. Having different, even conflicting ideas, is not bad if 
> we all learn to discuss them politely, this is one of the growing pains we 
> need to learn. I am sure there is lots of people in KDE that share your 
> values, and some others that same only some, and some others that don't share 
> any, that doesn't mean we can all agree to work on a shared view of the 
> greatness that KDE represents.
>  * By you leaving, we lose one of those "different ideas/point of views", that 
> is always bad since it moves us more towards the monoculture we don't want.
>  * Ultimately by stopiing your contributions you are not "punishing" Vishesh 
> or helping the people that share your values against the ones that don't. By 
> leaving you're only making harder the life of people that enjoy the 
> translations to Greek you make, since the Greek team will have less from now 
> on.
> Hugs!
>   Albert

Big huge quoting to say that I couldn't express it in a better way. For now
thanks for all the fish, but the door are still open (so it is the account!).


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