[kde-i18n-el] Fwd: [Kde-cvs-announce] Prerelease freeze for KDE 3.5.3

Spiros Georgaras sngeorgaras at otenet.gr
Fri Apr 28 15:51:18 CEST 2006

Για την ενημέρωσή σας

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: [Kde-cvs-announce] Prerelease freeze for KDE 3.5.3
Date: Friday 28 April 2006 16:43
From: Stephan Kulow <coolo at kde.org>
To: kde-cvs-announce at kde.org
Cc: kde-core-devel at kde.org


As the commit freeze was a bit lifted, I would like to announce
that I'm going to tag KDE 3.5.3 on may 23th and to give the
editors and translators some room to catch up with the changes
I declare the KDE 3.5 branch frozen as of may 2nd (as in next

This freeze will be active till I announce that the tagging is done.

Greetings, Stephan
Kde-cvs-announce mailing list
Kde-cvs-announce at kde.org



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