[GCompris] String freeze for release 4.1

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at gmail.com
Sun May 12 11:57:16 BST 2024


we plan to release a bugfix version of GCompris on May 23rd. There are
no new strings as we reuse existing ones the changelog.

We plan to create the packages on May 21st, so it would be great to
have all the translations ready if you need to check or improve it for
the 20th.

You can find the files to translate at:
https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/stable-kf5/po/#gcompris (please double
check in https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf5/po/#gcompris if the
files are not more complete/recent).
Apart from the main file
(https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/stable-kf5/po/gcompris_qt.po/), it
would be great to have translations for those three files if they are
not already translated in your language:
https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/stable-kf5/po/gcompris._desktop_.po/ and

If you have more time, feel free to check the translation of the website:
https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf5/po/gcompris-net.po/ (the news
for this version has been prepared so translators can translate all
the files at once).

We also have the datasets for the new grammar activities which need to
be created for each language. A mail explaining what should be done is
available in the archive:
You can find examples of the current files in
and https://invent.kde.org/education/gcompris/-/tree/master/src/activities/grammar_analysis/resource.

Timothée & Johnny

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