Kazakh language translation

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Tue Mar 26 23:03:27 GMT 2024

El dimarts, 26 de març de 2024, a les 19:13:08 (CET), ivan tkachenko va 
> How would it technically work? I don't see a dedicated locale code for the
> latin variant, there's only a generic kk_KZ. I understand that latin Kazakh
> is not a dialect, it's just a different way of writing the same spelling.
> But does that mean simply replacing all the cyrillic strings? I bet some
> people would've preferred sticking to the cyrillic just out of habit or
> other reasons. 

We can use @ modifiers like we use for Serbian.


> --
> ivan
> 26.03.2024, 02:49, "Albert Astals Cid" <aacid at kde.org>:
> El divendres, 22 de març de 2024, a les 20:33:06 (CET), Тимур Хасаров va
> escriure:
>  Hi, how i can contribute to translation kde neon into Kazakh language with
>  new latin alphabet (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_alphabets)?
> Is there a 1-to-1 conversion between cyrillic and latin for Kazakh? That is,
> can a word be mechanically converted between the two alphabets or does it
> need human intervention/intelligence?
> Because if there is, it seems we should find a way to at share, or at least
> reuse the existing translations.
> Cheers,
>   Albert

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