English (Shavian) Translation Team

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Mon Jan 8 22:52:46 GMT 2024

El dilluns, 8 de gener de 2024, a les 14:19:14 (CET), Benjamin Bruce va 
> Hello,


> Would it be possible to form a translation team to convert the KDE Plasma
> interface into the Shavian alphabet? This would still be English, just
> written with a different script, so the process would not be as difficult
> as translating into a completely different language.
> If such a team could be created, I would be willing to head it up. Shavian
> is not very widely used, but it has its dedicated fans.

Having different scripts is indeed possible, we have that for Serbian and for 

But before we say yes, several questions:

Is there an actual standard? Wikipedia tells me there's like several somewhat 
disagreeing variants.

Is the translation possible to be made automatic or needs a human translator?

Someone would need to come up with an @script modifier and test if it works, 
for example for cyrillic we use @cyrillic, e.g. uz at cyrillic and things don't 
break, one would need to see if setting a glibc-locale like en at shavian would 
make everything explode or not.


> Thank you!
> Benjamin Bruce

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