Kolorfill translation to Kiswahili

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 14:15:51 GMT 2023

Le jeu. 28 déc. 2023 à 22:45, Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org> a écrit :

> El dijous, 28 de desembre de 2023, a les 22:34:22 (CET), Johnny Jazeix va
> escriure:
> > Le jeu. 28 déc. 2023 à 22:12, Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org> a écrit
> :
> > >
> > > If you want to become the language committer (given how little sw is
> > > translated I'm going to assume there's none) you must do the things we
> ask
> > > for
> > > people that want to create a new language, i.e.
> > >
> > > Translate the files in the kcoreaddons, ki18n, kio and kxmlgui
> frameworks
> > > because its contents are spread over most KDE applications
> > >
> > > https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf6/team/sw/kcoreaddons/
> > > https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf6/team/sw/ki18n/
> > > https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf6/team/sw/kio/
> > > https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf6/team/sw/kxmlgui/
> > >
> > > Once you have the translations, send them to me.
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > >
> > >   Albert
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > kcoreaddons was translated by a GCompris translator for kf5 (
> > https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf5/team/sw/kcoreaddons/).
> > I don't think we asked them to translate more at the time (if I remember
> > correctly, I put both of you in contact Benson).
> That translation should ideally be copied to the kf6 dir too or it will be
> eventually be lost.
> Cheers,
>   Albert
Thank you,

Albert created the folder in trunk/l10n-kf6 and I've copied the translation
for kcoreaddons from the kf5.

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