[QUESTION] What are the most important components to translate first?

Josep M. Ferrer txemaq at saragata.net
Wed Oct 19 18:28:49 BST 2022

El 19/10/22 a les 15:09, Enol P. ha escrit:
> Hi all,
> After a long break of +2 years without contributing to Asturian 
> translations I've came back, and I wondered if there is a list where 
> all Plasma components are ordered by importance to know which 
> components should be translated first.
> Thank you. Bye.

It's difficult to give a list of components because importance is 
relative to user's use. But in my opinion, translations must be done 
from the most general components to single components. So, this is a 
possible list according to this rule:

- Frameworks (https://invent.kde.org/frameworks): They are used across 
the Plasma system and by many individual programs. You can begin with 
kcoreaddons, kio and kxmlgui.

- Plasma components (https://invent.kde.org/plasma): They are used by 
Plasma desktop. You can skip latte-dock (an alternative docker), 
plasma-mobile (for mobile phones), plasma-bigscreen (for TV) for a later 

- Basic programs and utilities: Ark, Dolphin, etc.

- Other programs and utilities: games, network, PIM, etc.

Hope this helps.

Josep M. Ferrer

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