KStars fails to build after po merge

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 08:18:28 BST 2022

Le mer. 5 oct. 2022 à 07:12, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com> a
écrit :

> > You have a CI that uses KF 5.68, unfortunately the ca at valencia is using
>> > entities that were only introduced in KF 5.92
>> >
>> > There are 3 solutions for that:
>> >  * Antoni Bella changes the documentation to not require 5.92
>> >  * If that's not possible, you could increase your minimum KF
>> requirement to
>> > 5.92 * If that's not possible, we need to delete the ca at valencia
>> > documentation for KStars
>> or
>> 4.- Require add support for if KF5_VERSION <= 5.92 not add PO/ca at valencia
>> /
>> docs/kstars dir
>> > If this is blocking you, please say so and we can do the third option
>> "as
>> > soon as possible".
>>   Jasem: +1 with not increase the version, I can block the docbook build.
>> It
>> seems to you?
> We can't increase the KF5 version. Today we also have build failure in
> French and we can't process any MRs
> https://invent.kde.org/education/kstars/-/jobs/511278
> Please do whatever necessary to fix this.

there has been some issues with the update of the docbook. Albert removed
the French files for now so it should be fine tomorrow.

Thank you

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