Migrating Pology to Python 3

Adrian Chaves adrian at chaves.io
Tue Oct 4 22:37:23 BST 2022

When running a script, either the repository clone folder should be the 
current working folder, or pology should be installed in the current 
Python virtual environment. The exception suggests to me that neither is 
the case. There have been import behavior changes in Python 3 that might 
explain that it worked before, but I do not think this is something we 
should fix in pology itself.

On 2022-10-04 19:26, Johnny Jazeix wrote:

> Hi,
> for French we use the script in 
> https://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-support/fr/summit/scripts/sync_summit_branches.sh?view=log 
> to do the merge/scatter jobs.
> It clones the pology and ll10n-scripty git repos and the svn for the 
> required locale and do the merge/scatter.
> Locally, I commented the "svn ci" just in case... I tested the branch 
> python3 and I have the following error:
> Merging messages
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File 
> "/home/jazeix/Desktop/travail/kde_i18n_fr//pology/scripts/posummit.py", 
> line 21, in <module>
> from pology import version, _, n_, t_, PologyError
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pology'
> I haven't digged more but it happens when we do the line: 
> "posummit.pyscripts/messages.summit fr merge".
> Cheers,
> Johnny
> Le mar. 4 oct. 2022 à 12:49, Adrian Chaves <adrian at chaves.io> a écrit :
>> Hey!
>> In the i18n BoF at Akademy we are discussing quickly migrating Pology 
>> to Python 3, since Python 2 is end of life.
>> In 2020, I spent 1 day migrating Pology to Python 3. I created a 
>> single test that covered 7% of its code base, got it working under 
>> Python 3, and pushed the changes to the python3 branch: 
>> https://invent.kde.org/sdk/pology/-/tree/python3
>> I have just merged the master branch into this branch, and the test 
>> still passes.
>> So I would like every Pology user to test as soon as possible their 
>> usual workflows with pology with the python3 branch, and report to me 
>> any issue. I do expect there to be issues. So send me a command to 
>> reproduce the issue you get, and I will fix it.
>> The plan is to switch the master branch from Python 2 to Python 3 
>> rather soon, as I do not expect to have spare time for Pology once 
>> Akademy is over. So please, test the python3 branch as soon as 
>> possible, and send your feedback.
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