Adding toki pona team

Janet Blackquill uhhadd at
Tue Jun 8 19:34:44 BST 2021

Well, to resurrect a dead thread...

Do we not have x-* language codes available, e.g. x-test? They don't
need to have a glibc or a Qt locale in order to display translated
strings into the dummy xxLanguagexx, do they?
x-tokipona translations only without a corresponding locale would be
more than suitable for people who want to use KDE software in toki

-- Janet Blackquill

Am Mo., 30. März 2020 um 17:37 Uhr schrieb Albert Astals Cid <aacid at>:
> El dilluns, 30 de març de 2020, a les 22:57:46 CEST, Carson Black va escriure:
> > jan ale o, toki a!
> >
> > I and some others are interested in localizing KDE into the toki pona
> > (code: tpo) language. There isn't a translation team for toki pona yet
> > (though it's a language on Planet), so I'm writing to this list for
> > the creation of a toki pona team so we can localize KDE into the
> > language of good. We've already started working on translations
> > (kcoreaddons, kconfig, systemsettings) to have them ready for whoever
> > wants to set up the SVN.
> As far as i can see it doesn't really have a ISO 639 code.
> Is there a toki pona glibc locale or Qt locale?
> Those are really important, i am not sure how things are going to work without those.
> Cheers,
>   Albert
> >
> > o tawa pona,
> >
> > -- Carson Black [ jan Pontaoski ]
> >

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