T13514: Migrate KDE translations to Git

Freek de Kruijf freekdekruijf at kde.nl
Tue Jan 5 14:26:35 GMT 2021

Op dinsdag 5 januari 2021 11:36:18 CET schreef Freek de Kruijf:
> The command I was looking for to get the files is:
> git clone https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/l10n-scripty.git
> cd l10n-scripty
For kde4 trunk I use:
git checkout trunk_l10n-kde4

After 'cd ..', this folder contains folder nl and templates, I gave the 

l10n-scripty/update_xml nl

and got a.o. the following error report:

Updating extragear-network/rekonq documentation
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Failed to download git://anongit.kde.org/rekonq.git HEAD:doc
No differences
There was an error updating the sources

Should I file a bug report?


vertaler van KDE
Freek de Kruijf

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