[Translators-de] [Bug 475309] [NEW] German translation of "Refresh" in kpackagekit misleading

Jannick Kuhr jakuhr-linux at gmx.de
Sun Nov 8 03:14:29 CET 2009

Am 7. November 2009 18:02 schrieb Markus <kamikazow at web.de>:
> Am Samstag 07 November 2009 21:16:16 schrieb Jannick Kuhr:
>> Ich denke der Import der svn-Version in Launchpad wird unter
>> vertretbarem Aufwand nicht zu gewaehrleisten sein. Wenn sich in den
>> letzten Jahren diesbezueglich nicht so viel geaendert hat, muesste
>> wohl der ganze Programmcode in Launchpad importiert und dann
>> regelmaessig synchronisiert werden, damit dann ein aktuelles Template
>> zum uebersetzen erstellt werden kann. Ob Launchpad inzwischen eine
>> simple Uebersetzungsclient-Funktion hat, die beliebige pot-Dateien
>> oeffnen und bearbeiten kann, ist mir nicht bekannt. Wahrscheinlich ist
>> es erheblich praktikabeler die Datei einfach mir Lokalize zu
>> bearbeiten und das Ergebnis bei Bedarf in Launchpad zu importieren.
> Ist nicht ein Aspekt von Project Timelord, dass Kubuntu in Zukunft eben nicht
> mehr Launchpad dazwischen pfuschen lässt?

Interessanter und sehr wichtiger Hinweis, der viele der obigen
Ueberlegungen obsolet erscheinen lassen koennte. Das war mir so nicht
bekannt. Danke.


Fuer Interessierte:


"For the reasons mentioned above, the Project Timelord team has deemed that in
Kubuntu's current state, using the Launchpad Translations system is
to achieving the goal of a localized, human KDE experience. During the
Kubuntu 9.10
development cycle, a concentrated, cooperative effort between Kubuntu
and Launchpad
developers occurred to try to improve KDE translations in Kubuntu.
Great improvements
were made to this point, and while we appreciate the time and effort the Ubuntu
Translations team has taken to improve the current situation for
Kubuntu, we must face
the facts that given current developer and translator resources that
Kubuntu is unable to
use this translation architecture in a productive manner.
Fortunately, KDE offers localization of excellent quality for many
languages. We advocate
the use of KDE's translations, abstaining from modifying the text of
KDE applications
until we can recruit and build a Kubuntu translations community that
can translate these
changes properly.
To recruit a new translations team, we will announce the indefinite
postponement of the
use of Launchpad and translate Kubuntu applications in their bzr
repositories, generating
PO templates for translators to use with their favorite translation
applications. Once a
translation community begins to form and grow, we can consider re-allowing a
conservative modification of strings in the core KDE modules, with
most string changes
being discussed and pushed upstream rather than changed early in
Kubuntu. We will
then generate a single PO template for these strings, which will then
be added to the
Kubuntu-specific PO template as required.
If in the future it is the consensus of the translation community that
their job would be
better served and made easier by using the Launchpad Translations interface for
translation work, we will re-evaluate the technical implications of
once again using
Launchpad Translations. Since the translators are doing most of the
work, we want to
retain them at all costs. The ultimate decision will be left to the
translation community.
Forcing a system that nobody wants will be more detrimental than not
using the system
at all, despite the technical benefits it may bring.
We do realize that switching translation systems is no small task.
Therefore we will
experiment with the changes during Kubuntu 10.04, and will chose the
path that will
yield the greatest benefit for Kubuntu 10.04 in the short run. Even if
we end up not
being able to feasibly switch from Launchpad Translations for Kubuntu
10.04, the option
will still be kept on the table for the future."

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