Probleme mit koffice Doku-Generierung

Stephan Johach lucardus at
Fri May 20 16:55:00 CEST 2005

Hallo zusammen!

Vielleicht hat ja jemand den rettenden Einfall.

Abgesehen von den üblichen Tag-Fehlern, die ich beheben konnte, habe ich erhebliche
Probleme die Koffice Doku aus dem trunk mit

update_xml de koffice

zu generieren. Vielleicht kann ja mal jemand lokal versuchen, ob er ähnliche Probleme hat. Seltsam
ist, dass das Skript bei den betreffenden Fehlern Tags anmeckert, die in anderen 
Dokumenten vorhanden sind (z. B. &LMB;) und gleichzeitig englische Text auswirft. Das deutet
irgendwie auf Probleme mit der englischen Vorlage hin.


po2xml documentation/koffice/kpresenter/index.docbook de/docmessages/koffice/kpresenter.po
guides.docbook:42: element authorgroup: validity error : Element authorgroup content does not follow the DTD, expecting (author | editor | collab | corpauthor | othercredit)+, got (author author author CDATA)
great-presentations.docbook:36: element authorgroup: validity error : Element authorgroup content does not follow the DTD, expecting (author | editor | collab | corpauthor | othercredit)+, got (author author CDATA)
faq.docbook:29: element authorgroup: validity error : Element authorgroup content does not follow the DTD, expecting (author | editor | collab | corpauthor | othercredit)+, got (author author CDATA)
guides.docbook:42: element authorgroup: validity error : Element authorgroup content does not follow the DTD, expecting (author | editor | collab | corpauthor | othercredit)+, got (author author author CDATA)
great-presentations.docbook:36: element authorgroup: validity error : Element authorgroup content does not follow the DTD, expecting (author | editor | collab | corpauthor | othercredit)+, got (author author CDATA)
faq.docbook:29: element authorgroup: validity error : Element authorgroup content does not follow the DTD, expecting (author | editor | collab | corpauthor | othercredit)+, got (author author CDATA)
RESTORING de/docmessages/koffice/../../docs/koffice/kpresenter/index.docbook
Reverted 'de/docs/koffice/kpresenter/index.docbook'

Und ein Fehler in der kword-Doku:

po2xml documentation/koffice/kword/index.docbook de/docmessages/koffice/kword.po
tutorial.docbook:220: parser error : Entity 'LMB' not defined
placing the mouse cursor on the right end of the text. Click once with the &LMB;
tutorial.docbook:220: parser error : Entity 'LMB' not defined
t on a yellow background. When all the text has been selected, release the &LMB;
tutorial.docbook:695: parser error : chunk is not well balanced

index.docbook:523: error: Failure to process entity tutorial
index.docbook:523: parser error : Entity 'tutorial' not defined
index.docbook:2841: parser error : Entity 'eg' not defined
>Using custom variables you can store certain values (&eg; numbers or text) for
tutorial.docbook:220: parser error : Entity 'LMB' not defined
placing the mouse cursor on the right end of the text. Click once with the &LMB;
tutorial.docbook:220: parser error : Entity 'LMB' not defined
t on a yellow background. When all the text has been selected, release the &LMB;
tutorial.docbook:695: parser error : chunk is not well balanced

index.docbook:523: error: Failure to process entity tutorial
index.docbook:523: parser error : Entity 'tutorial' not defined
index.docbook:2841: parser error : Entity 'eg' not defined
>Using custom variables you can store certain values (&eg; numbers or text) for
RESTORING de/docmessages/koffice/../../docs/koffice/kword/index.docbook
Reverted 'de/docs/koffice/kword/index.docbook'

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